Profumi del Forte
Mythical Woods
Eau de Parfum



Summer is over. With renewed pleasure, I stroll again through the pine groves in Versilia, imagining who has walked these paths before me and inhaled these same scents of wood and grass. I breathe in deeply and their essence enters my lungs, where I already jealously conserve the salt spray of my homeland. But this combination is not enough. My mind whirls and my thoughts fly back to the past and forward to the future. I want to both explore and reunite, to find something that is new but also smells of home. Wood and ginger, honey and saffron, future and legend. This is how I compose my new symphony of fragrance.

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Parfemska kuća Torre utemeljena je inicijativom Enza Torre, 2007. godine, u Forte dei Marmi, u srcu jednog od najelegantnijih i najprofinjenijih talijanskih turističkih krajeva, Versiliji, – poznatoj po izvanrednoj raznolikosti krajolika i mirisne baštine. Povezujući se s dugom tradicijom parfumerstva i umjetnosti, rad ateljea započinje biranjem kvalitete, tražeći za svoje mirise samo najbolje sirovine – odabrane i strogo testirane – i posvećujući veliku pažnju stilu i ambalaži. Godine 2007. prva je kolekcija – Profumi del Forte – zauzela vrijedno mjesto na najvišim razinama međunarodne parfemske scene, inspirirana bezvremenskim stilom Versilije.
Profumi del Forte mirisi su rađeni u suradnji s perfumerima: Arturetto Landi i Bertrand Duchaufour.